Saturday, June 14, 2008

I See a Hurricane A-Coming

Bad: not good; not as it should be; unfavorable; unpleasant; disagreeable.

Most of us have it pretty good. Most of us have it quite good, actually. We're lucky we have what we have in light of our atrocious behavior. We're lucky that we haven't gotten what we deserve. If we were reaping the just rewards of our actions most of us would be in prison or keeping company with the undead. It would probably be hot where we ended up. There wouldn't be a lot of baby-faced cherubs strumming lutes. Things have worked out for us much better than we could have hoped.

So what is it with all of the complaining? We can be a pretty bitchy lot. Personally, I wake up in the morning ready to complain. I can see what's wrong or what might possibly go wrong at a thousand paces, in heavy fog, during a driving rainstorm. I'm not naturally grateful -- I'm naturally on edge. To make matters worse, I can't keep this angst to myself. I have to inform everyone within earshot how bad I have it.

It isn't that bad. It isn't as bad as you are making it out to be.

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