Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Future is Now

Future: The prospective or potential condition of a person or thing.

Things are going to work out. They're going to work out in their own time. The fact that I try to make them happen at a time and place of my choosing doesn't make them work out faster or improve the outcome at all. This doesn't please me, my inability to pull the future into my own evil workshop where I can tinker with all the gears and cogs. I want to speed the machine up. I'm so busy trying to get into my future that I don't pay enough attention to my present.

Our Promises imply that when we take it easy, when we quit struggling, that we begin to make good decisions. We relax. Our intuition begins to function properly. It's OK to have our eyes on the corner office or a new house or a non-insane spouse; it's when we work so hard at getting those things NOW that we get into trouble. If we're supposed to have them, we'll know when the time is right. If we're not, then we won't fritter away our lives waiting for them to happen.

"Non-insane spouse" is an oxymoron.

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