Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Interesting Thoughts About My Cold

It looks like I am going to get over my cold. It was touch and go there for a while. I was beginning to think that it was going to be one of those killer colds, fatal, brutal, taking me down hard and fast. Turns out it was just a cold, like everyone gets, and not that bad after all. I thought that I got a Special Cold.

I will not waver from my stance that getting a cold is a pointless exercise. It brings me no apparent benefits and I would prefer to bypass the whole ordeal. Sometimes I pretend that I don't have a cold and go ahead and live my life among the non-diseased general populace, who no doubt appreciate my efforts, assuming, of course, that they notice my coughing, sneezing, and general disgustiveness, which is not a given. I personally love it when someone sits down next to me when they are obviously sick. I appreciate it. I consider it a personal favor.

Sometimes I try to exercise my way out of a cold. SuperK and I argue about this to the point that I did some research to see if I could come up with a consensus scientific opinion about whether exercising while ill is beneficial or harmful. I was able to prove that most experts believe that exercise isn't going to cause you to get worse, although you'll probably be miserable doing it. They didn't propose that it would help you get better. I put this one in the Horseface Win Column. I put most things there.

I don't let facts get in the way of a good win.

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