Friday, March 13, 2009

More Bitching About Working

I'm always so surprised to find out that some things take effort. Work, for instance, frequently takes up a lot of the time that I have set aside for sitting at a coffee shop, reading, or sitting at a coffee shop reading. It's so time consuming and so beneath me, this activity of working. I'm hoping this summer that a beautiful garden of delicious, nutritious vegetables crops up in my backyard, and that someone comes over and takes care of the weeding and watering, then harvests the bounty and cooks them up for me, for my own personal enjoyment. I would take the time to put out some humorous little signs for this worker, saying witty things like "Gardeners do it in the dirt" or "Horseface Steve's Garden of Eden." The worker could have a nice chuckle while breaking up large clumps of clay and fending off an attack of grub worms and eggplant blight.

This week I traveled to Columbus, Lexington, and Indianapolis because apparently I am under some obligation to earn a living. This put a huge, huge crimp in my free time. I was tired at the end of each day. The bad drivers had regrouped and were harassing me unmercifully, like the feral mutants hot on the trail of Mel Gibson in "Mad Max," as I completed yet another day of mistake free driving. My expectation this week was for Paris, London, and Barcelona, but it didn't work out that way.

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