Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Incense and circumstance -- The Color of Time

Situation: The combination of circumstances at any given moment; state of affairs.

I'm constantly amazed at how often I find myself in situations that aren't to my liking. The number of bad situations as a percentage of all situations involving me is remarkably high. It's got to be in the high nineties. Sometimes it seems to approach a hundred percent. You heard that right -- I postulate that on some days every single situation that I'm involved in has been ruined, wrecked, or sabotaged by some force, human or otherwise, that is out of my control.

After years of suffering under the firestorm of annoyances striking my furrowed brow, I decided to ponder the circumstances. It didn't seem likely that I was running into that many lousy situations. My life is pretty cushy.

Could I be misinterpreting some of the situations? Could it be that I was fouling the air of a perfectly good situation with my malodorous presence? Was it possible that I was the poison? That I could improve my attitude and consequently improve the situation?

Impossible!! I AM NOT THE PROBLEM!

P.S.: I am the problem.

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