Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm Not Sure About This One

Sometimes my close "friends" in recovery intimate that I think about myself too much. Possibly because I spend so much time writing about myself without ever mentioning anyone else. It does take a lot of thinking time to develop so much material about me. I came up with three or four -- maybe five -- topics about a cold, for god's sake. There is less material on the common cold in medical school textbooks.

To these people I reply: no shit. Who else would I think about? I'm my own favorite topic. It's something that I can really sink my teeth into. It is hilarious to consider actually thinking about someone else. That can only cut into the precious time that I've set aside to think about me. Maybe I thought about someone else once in some reverse alternate universe on a strange planet in a distant galaxy thousands of eons ago. I have not done it recently.

I was in a meeting this morning where a guy that I'm not crazy about talked about the implications of the Third Tradition. His point was that he has learned to tolerate people who talk too much, talk too long, and don't really have anything to say. The Traditions ask us to let everyone who feels the need join our groups. So I'm listening to someone who talks at great length about himself at every meeting he attends complain about people who talk about themselves too much. I thought: "Wow, he's complaining about himself. He's totally oblivious." This is why I talk to my friends. I'm oblivious. I need to hear the occasional direct comment on my behavior.

Now, what did I do today that I can talk about?

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