Friday, March 20, 2009

Horseface Steve Vs. Super Virus in a Texas Death Match!

Cold: An acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory passages, especially of the nose and throat, caused by a virus and characterized by sneezing, coughing, etc.

Apparently I have a cold if I'm to believe the above definition. This is by circumstance and not by choice. I would rather not have a cold than to have one, and I think it's really terribly unfair that I'm sick. I don't see the point. I don't see how I can gain an advantage in my pursuit of sex, money, and fame by contracting an illness. Oh, sure, it's OK with me and totally understandable if you get sick -- in fact, I would prefer that. I might be able to work that to my advantage.

I turned to SuperK last night, and commented: "I hope you get sick, too." This on the heels of my conversation with Willie yesterday, dominated with a lot of complaining about the unfairness of this cold which is undoubtedly going to turn into cancer or a tumor or the Ebola virus and kill me dead, and I casually remarked: "If you were here right now I'd give you a big kiss right on the lips." Willie, who thinks I'm a sexy beast most of the time, indicated that he was going to keep his afternoon appointments, irregardless of how attractive that sounded.

While I meant these comments as jokes, and I think they were received that way, I was aware that deep down in my core is Active Alcoholic Horseface who really does want to spread the misery around. It somehow made me feel better about myself if you were feeling bad, too. This is probably part of the reason that I didn't have much luck dating or holding onto a job. Wishing ill or harm on others is not an especially attractive personality trait.

I figure that when I'm sick the best thing to do is to pretend that I'm not. While I'm all for maintaining a good attitude, I don't think it helps defeat several trillion viruses. They have the numbers. They have the little keys to unlock the genetic codes of my normally healthy cells, and then to run amuck. I can only try to ignore them.

The normal antidote for a cold is to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and take aspirin. This is bullshit advice for normal people and doesn't apply to me and other SuperHumans. My normal technique is to get some extra sleep and wake up feeling better, then decide that since I feel better I can go ahead and overdo it, ignoring the fact that I feel better because I'm doing what is recommended. Yesterday, for instance, I felt well enough after 9 hours of sleep that I could just go ahead and visit a customer. Ten minutes in I lost my voice, my eyes and noise were running, and I had a dry, tickly cough. I'm sure this guy didn't notice. If it was me, I'd not buy something out of spite, even if I needed it.

I'm going to bed.

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