Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Going Down, Down, Down. Into the Ring of Fire.

Energy: Potential forces; inherent power; capacity for vigorous action.

Oh, I have some capacity for vigorous action all right. My problem is that I often apply the vigor to the action in a manner totally out of proportion to the vigor required. I have a big hammer and I'm not afraid to use it. Action is fine as long as there is some SANITY to the activities, and it also helps if action needs to be taken, which is often not the case.

I like to spring into action. Why think about what I'm going to do? It's time-consuming and boring, something for the adults sitting at the big table to do. I'm down here at the card table with the kids. If there is something to be done let's take off at a million miles an hour, six guns a-blazing, warning klaxons blaring, manning the electronic bullhorns: "Get out of my way, you dumb asses! I'm in the midst of some action!"

Action can be good. Action is like fire. Fire can keep me warm. Fire can burn all of the skin off of my knuckles, and I speak from experience on both accounts. I don't like to start a small fire. I like to gather a lot of highly combustible materials and soak them in gasoline or kerosene or some other unstable accelerant and lob a whole pack of lit matches onto the pile. Let's get warm.

This is why I go to meetings. I have friends -- some of whom also like to play with matches and gasoline -- who aren't afraid to tap me on the shoulder when I'm off in my own little world, which is where I live most of the time. They might point out that we are inside or that it's 85 degrees outside and we're currently not in need of a conflagration.

Curse you, friends.

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