Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's STILL All About Me

I sent a note to a buddy of mine yesterday and I called him King John.  I was joking; moreover, I have no idea where the impulse to call him a king came from.  I thought something so I said something - I'm working on the brain-mouth interface but it's a big job.  These impulses are one of my qualities that people either find endearing or that gets me beat up from time to time.  I think some people find it endearing.  No one has said so but I have to assume there's somebody out there.  Hello?  Anybody?

He responded immediately as if I had criticized him for being too big for his britches - he wasn't angry but he was depressed.  We quickly cleared it up but I'm still laughing at how eager we are to beat ourselves up.  The President of Mongolia can be talking about water rights issues in the high steppes and I'll think: "Is he talking about me?"

No, I'm not self-centered at all.

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