Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Little of This, A Little of That.

Albert Einstein:  "Don't worry what other people are thinking of you because they're not doing it very often."

This from the 7 AM meeting: "I have two factories in my head - one manufactures bullshit and the other buys it."  I can't stop the manufacturing but I can stop leaving the outlet store with two huge shopping bags full.

I went for coffee after the meeting.  I was yukking it up with the guy making my drink, trotting out some tired old material about putting a large drink in a small cup.  I love travel - it allows me to use old material on a new crowd.  Anyway, we chuckled a bit: "Thanks for bringing some humor in today."  This was some "being of maximum service to my fellow man."  It seems so insignificant to me as to be hardly worth doing sometimes but the fact that the guy said something makes me suspect that not many people do it.

I've been away from home for about a month, attending meetings regularly and I can still stroll in, sit quietly by myself, and leave without being accosted.  This is OK in my case - I've been sober a while and honestly, if I want to meet some people I should stick out my own hand - but all too common.  Makes me wonder about the reception that fearful, suspicious newcomers get and this is the whole reason that the meetings are held.

"If you want a hand the best place to look is at the end of your own arm." - some random engineer at FoMoCo.

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