Friday, January 13, 2012

Unacceptable:  Not worth accepting; unsatisfactory; disagreeable; displeasing to receive.

I have noted that I'm not a big fan of winter weather.  One of my Life Goals is to never, ever touch snow ever again.  It's winter here in the New City, which I find less unacceptable.  Anyway, I have been grasping on to this desire to be very, very warm, and making myself mildly discontented.  It is as ancient a lust as I possess and as difficult a grasping to dislodge as I have ever encountered. 

I spoke to a friend from The Program after a morning meeting this week.  He talked, mostly, and I listened, which is something I'm not very good at, even though I have two ears and one mouth.  He was holding onto something that he needed to release and he was having trouble doing this.  His situation was a lot more difficult and confusing than my fairly juvenile dislike of cold weather.  I gave him a few obvious bits of advice that I obviously needed to apply to my own life.  He thanked me and later he wrote me a nice note, thanking me again.

I should have thanked him.

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