Saturday, January 21, 2012

God Box

A popular concept in The Rooms is the god box.  The way this particular concept works is that we take whatever is currently eating us alive, write it down on a slip of paper, and put it in an actual box.  I suppose you could also use a bag or a treasured knickknack or an underwear drawer, although god underwear drawer doesn't have the same sexy cachet as god box.  God bag doesn't sound that good, either, and god knickknack is just ridiculous.  Anyway, I digress.  At the end of each week we open the box up, unfurl the scraps, and see what's there.

The exercise is meant to show us how much energy we waste worrying on stuff that isn't that important.  Most of it never comes true.  A lot of it we've plumb forgot about by the time we open the box, or bag, or knickknack.  And the stuff that does come true doesn't end all life as we know it.  Sometimes it makes things better.

I recommend the god box to people all the time.  Never do it myself, of course.  I'm too profound and advanced and deeeeeeep for that.  I do, in my defense,  keep a journal and I wrote down The Problems and The Solutions when I was having my anxiety attack the other day.  I'm not going to fess up to the crap I wrote down as my problems.  I knew they weren't really problems when I was terrified of them and I cringed when I revisited them.

I highly recommend a god box.

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