Monday, January 2, 2012

Anger and Indignation and Rage and Fury, O My!

Anger:  Implies emotional agitation of no specified intensity aroused by great displeasure.
Indignation:  Implies righteous anger aroused by what is considered unjust, mean, or shameful.
Rage:  Suggests violent outburst of anger in which self-control is lost.
Fury:  Implies an overwhelming rage of a frenzied kind that borders on madness.

There's a section in my dictionary right after the definition of a word that suggests some appropriate synonyms to help me understand the nuances of the definition.  What a nice progression this particular list is!  I start with emotional agitation which is usually full of self-righteous self-pity; I get violent -- in my thinking, at least -- and I lose self-control.  The anger becomes overwhelming and approaches insanity.

Yep.  That sounds like me.  That sounds like a typical progression for me.

This afternoon I found that I was somewhat annoyed at life for no particular reason that I could discern. I was in a mildly bad mood which I'm afraid is something that is going to happen to all of us from time to time.  When this happens I start looking for things to focus my bad mood on, and I get angry at them.  I focus on things that irritate me.  I guess I need to justify my bad mood.  Sometimes I pick whatever happens to be handy and sometimes I go to a tried and true list of stuff that I find upsetting in a historical sense.

I'm sure glad there are tomorrows.

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