Monday, January 9, 2012


Restless:  Never or almost never quiet or still; always active or inclined to action; seeking change; discontented.

Minor Buddhism:  "Restlessness is often a cover-up for some deeper experience taking place in the unconscious.  We humans are great at repressing things.  Rather than confronting some unpleasant thought we experience, we try to bury it.  The result is that sense of unease which we call agitation or restlessness.  There is nothing you can put your finger on.  But you don't feel at ease.  You can't relax."

Yeah, well, this has never happened to me.  When I first heard the famous phrase found in The Doctor's Opinion "restless, irritable, and discontented" I was amazed that there was some other way to feel.  I know that I am often bedeviled by something I call Free Floating Anxiety.  FFA is a state where something is wrong but I don't know what it is.  I just know something bad is going down.  There doesn't have to be anything bad actually happening; the mere potential of something bad is enough to get me going but good.

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