Friday, January 23, 2009

The Inner Horseface

Keep It Simple.

I think this phrase is overused from time to time. I prefer to Make It Difficult. I prefer to take something simple and complicate the hell out of it. I know that I've really been productive when I can take the most inconsequential situation and blow it up into an international incident.

I only Keep It Simple when the task requires some analysis and effort. Like when I need to get busy and start working The Steps. Then I decide that not drinking and going to meetings is enough. There's a famous story about a farmer who peeks out of his storm cellar and sees that everything he owns is destroyed. He says: "I don't see any problems here, Ma. Ain't it grand the wind quit blowin'?"

Recovery is about a lot more than not drinking. Drinking was but a symptom for me. The real problem is that I'm an asshole, and this made me so uncomfortable that I had to get drunk just so I could ignore who I was, which was an asshole. Hey, maybe I'm still one. Probably so. I vaguely aware that my inner asshole is slumbering away just below the surface, ready to leap into action at the slightest provocation. Not that the alcohol is gone all that's left is the asshole. That's intolerable to me today. That's why I work The Steps.

Keep it simple but do the work.

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