Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm a Pinball Wizard

Pinball: A game of chance played on an inclined board, typically containing a number of holes surrounded by numerous pins, springs, etc.

My mind is like a pinball machine. Each thought is a small metal ball. I have an inexhaustible supply of these little balls, which are indestructible. I think I have some control over these balls. This is a laughable mistake on my part. It never bodes well for me when I think I have control over anything.

I pull a lever and one of these thoughts drops into place. So far, so good. No big problems. Everything is nice and calm. I'm a little worried about all of the blinking lights and pictures of half-naked, heavily armed women warriors and hellish motorcycle demons staring at me from the front of the machine, which is blaring frenetic hard rock music, but I try to stay optimistic. I slowly pull back a lever and fire off the first thought of the day. This insignificant thought goes shooting off into space, and all hell breaks loose.

Bells are clanging and sirens are going off. The thought snaps this way and that way. It gets caught in traps and holes. It stops and starts. It's all over the place, moving at high speed, changing direction with violent energy. More thoughts enter the game. The machine starts to smoke and shudder violently.

This is on a good day.

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