Saturday, October 25, 2008

I See A Bad Moon Risin'

Pessimism: The doctrine or belief that the existing world is the worst possible; that the evil in life outweighs the good.

I don't think that things are going to work out very well today. I can feel it in my bones. It's like the arthritis my grandma had -- she could predict rain better than a TV weatherman. I can tell that it's going to be a tough day for me. I don't like the looks of things. I don't have a sunny disposition. Storm cl0uds are gathering on the horizon. Trouble is a-brewin'. A bad wind starts to blow.

I used to believe that I was a born pessimist. As if God decides to just screw some people up right out of the chute. Horseface, you are going to be negative. You have no say in the matter and there is nothing that you can do to change. You are going to look on the dark side of things. You will see how things can go wrong. You won't be able to see the upside, so you will have to bury your dark vision of life under oceans of alcohol and mountains of dope.

Yeah, well, if you line up everyone in the world according to the privileges and blessings they have received, I'd be pretty close to the front of the line. Then if you changed the order so that the most grateful people came first, I'd be about 7 and a half billion people down.

It's all in the attitude, my son.

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