Friday, October 10, 2008

I Know What You Need to Hear

My goal today is to find someone to save. It doesn't even have to be someone who needs to be saved or someone that is having any problems whatsoever. I feel the need to tell someone -- anyone -- what to do. It isn't important to me whether or not these individuals want to hear my advice. I don't care about that. I'm OK with the fact that they may start running as fast as they can the other way to escape my advice giving. I'm in pretty good shape and very determined in my ability to chase down people whose lives I can change for the better with my uncanny insights and wise counsel. I have, after all, made quite the success with my own life. This is clear to everyone.

I think one of the great linchpins of The Program revolves around the fact that we don't tell people what they have to do, short of advising against armed robbery, pedophilia, and crimes against humanity. I'm the guy who you want running your life? I don't think so. Maybe I can pick up your laundry if you tell me exactly where to go and give me exact change, but I wouldn't put too much stake in my advice about relationships or career changes.

My mentors tell me what they do and allow me to apply this information to my own life, or not, as I see fit. They play the Devil's Advocate and help me think through different scenarios and try to imagine a variety of outcomes. Sometimes they just play the Devil and seem to relish in my discomfort as I sit around and think about myself, totally consumed with what is happening to me to the total exclusion of everyone else in the world.

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