Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Most Excellent

Perfection: The quality or condition of being perfect; extreme degree of excellence according to a given standard.

Today I am going to do everything perfectly. I am not going to make any mistakes. Not one. Moreover, I'm going to hold everyone else that I come into contact with to this highest of standards. In fact, I'm going to devote most of my time to evaluating the relative perfection of the rest of the world. Why spend time on myself since I make very few mistakes? And, since I'm sacrificing my own very, very valuable time to this pursuit -- staring into space and watching TV and the like -- it only makes sense that I point out your mistakes.

And, no matter what I manage to accomplish, it's not going to be enough. I'm going to feel bad about it. I'm going to beat myself up for not doing more. Then I'm going to take out my frustrations with myself on you, by pointing out what you've done wrong, even if you haven't done anything wrong. I don't let facts get in the way of my justified anger. Facts can be an inconvenient roadblock when I'm trying to make myself feel better by making you feel worse.

Time to give myself a break. Time to give everyone else a break.

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