Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Conundrum: Any puzzling question or problem.

I used to think that questions such as: "Where the hell is my car?" or "Where the hell is my wallet?" or "Who the hell are you?" were examples of conundrums. I've grown older and wiser. Well, older anyway; wiser is a matter of opinion. Where my stash ended up is not a conundrum. Why I no longer have a front bumper is not a conundrum. These are factual events whose details have been obscured by the fog of alcohol and drugs. Big difference.

I do admit to being confused at times by the matter of personal responsibility. I have a friend in The Program whose sponsor used to answer his phone calls with: "It's not them -- it's you." The Program suggests that if I want to see the person responsible I should look in the mirror. So I figure it's all about me.

Then The Program tells me that if I try to do this alone that my goose is cooked. To drive home the point the First Step begins with the word "We." Then all of the other Steps use the third person plural freely and with no regrets. Everything is we this or us that. So I figure that I'm not supposed to do this by myself.


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