Thursday, September 4, 2008

What Do You Have in Your Box of Goodies?

Satisfactory: Satisfying; fulfilling all needs, expectations, wishes, desires, requirements, etc.

The big trick is figuring out how to be happy with what you have. It isn't as easy as it sounds. Actually, it doesn't even sound that easy. It sounds like a parlor trick performed by a desperately clever magician. It sounds like one of those impenetrable mental exercises. What would happen if an unstoppable force ran into an immovable object? How loud is too loud when one is listening to Black Sabbath?

I'm happy with what you have. Your stuff looks great. I'm not much interested in what I have. I'm very, very interested in what I don't have. I'm sure that I would be much happier if I had something else. How did I end up with all this crappy stuff, anyhow? This lousy job, these unsatisfying relationships, this dysfunctional family?

I get something, and I want something else. I'm bored immediately. I can't believe how much money I just spent for this thing I don't even like. I can't believe I quit my last job to take this awful job that I have now.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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