Thursday, September 25, 2008

Next: On the first subsequent occasion: as, when we next meet.

I have had a hankerin' lately to question some of the core beliefs and founding principles of Twelve Step recovery. While your average non-professional shouldn't attempt this, it is quite reasonable for some one of my massive intellect, profound insights, and uncanny ability to cut through all of the flak and fog of life. I see life as it is. The mystery of existence is no mystery to me. I can reveal the wonders of the universe with a wave of my hand.

Which leads me to cast a skeptical eye on the concept of "doing the next right thing." I would prefer to do the next ten - the next fifty - right things all at once and get them out of the way. Then I can concentrate on doing what I want to do, whether or not these are right things or not. I want to see in the future. I don't want to waste my time doing little, unimportant things that may not get me what I want as quickly as I want it, which is quickly indeed. It would be more efficient for me to be able to skip any small actions that don't lead to the desired outcome.

I want to do the "final right thing." That way I can behave as atrociously as possible and still end up smelling like a rose.

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