Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mauve With Envy

Envy: A feeling of discontent and ill will because of another's advantages, possessions, etc; resentful dislike of another who has something desirable.

It has been reported that envy is the only one of the Seven Deadly Sins that doesn't bring the sinner any specific benefit. At least I get a brief release of endorphins when I scream irrationally at a blameless person who isn't doing something that I want them to do. At least I get a momentary rush of excitement when I buy something that I don't really want and will tire of quickly. Maybe my neighbor will be sick with envy when he sees my new thing before I put it in the basement and head out to waste money on something else that I think I want but really could care less about. This eighth piece of pizza will be totally worth it.

I get envious when I see someone else with something I really want. Shit, I get envious when it's something I don't want and couldn't care less about. I have been known to cast an envious eye when I see a woman with a nice outfit on. You would think that lust might be the sin of choice here, but I can't help wondering how I would look with that skirt set on. "Horseface, you are going to kill tonight at the opera in that cocktail dress."

I wonder why people get green with envy? Why green, when there are so many other colors to choose from? Maybe it's because money is green. But where does that leave people in Europe and other countries that don't rely on green based currency? Am I to assume that only Americans get envious?

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