Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Crystal Ball, Crystal Ball, Tell Me What You See

Forward: Moving toward a point in front; onward; advancing; toward the future.

Sometimes I just have to start moving forward. This is not always to my liking. I usually prefer hunkering down and holding on to the gains that I have made, even if they are painful or poisonous. The scorpion in my shorts is kind of an old friend at this point -- I'm comfortable with the pain. I know what to expect. I'm worried that if I have to evict the creature that something worse will move in. The fear of the new tenant terrifies me more than the occasional scorpion laceration.

And I'm not adverse to moving back into the past, as I have already been there and know what to expect. It can't be any worse than it already was and that didn't kill me. I spend a lot of time reliving old slights and trying to reconstruct burned bridges. I regret what might have been. While to a person of sound psychological fiber this may seem a pointless exercise, it makes sense to me.

My experience is that most things don't work out that badly. I'm obligated to stay sober and to grow spiritually, and then I have to put one foot in front of the other and get moving. I have not been successful in predicting outcomes. Things have surprising twists and turns. If I wait for the right moment to move, I never accomplish anything.

There is no guarantee of success.

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