Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Due Diligence

Coast: To behave aimlessly; not make any serious effort; to continue in motion on momentum after propelling power has stopped.

Today I am going to rest on my laurels. I'm tired of all of the energy I have to expend to stay sober. Certainly my past accomplishments will guarantee future success. I may just retire from The Fellowship. I've been at this long enough that I'm ready to be promoted into a position of Senior Leadership where underlings and lackeys do all of the work for me. I want access to a secret old timers club.

I'm a smart guy. No doubt about it. I bet all of the knowledge I have accumulated about my disease will stand me in good stead. And if that isn't enough -- and I'm sure that it is -- I can fall back on my tremendous willpower. If I want something, I go after it and I get it, unless it takes too much work or a lot of time, then I throw in the towel and watch TV.

Recovery involves a lot of trudging. It involves a lot of repetition. I'm not very good at steady, patient effort. I

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