Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Selfish is the Way To Go

Selfish: Having such regard for one's won interests and advantage that the happiness and welfare of others become of less concern than is considered right or just; too much concerned with one's own welfare.

I spend a lot of time thinking about what it means to be self-centered. Not as much time as I spend acting in a totally self-absorbed fashion, but still it adds up to a pretty significant block of time. I like to think about myself. It's my favorite topic. I am astounded to find out that other people don't spend all of their free time thinking about me. It could be helpful to me if they did. Maybe they could come up with creative solutions to the problems that I cause myself with my bad decisions and poor behavior.

The path to success for me has been to pretend like I care what is going on in someone else's life, even though I don't. I put a lot of stock in acting. I try to avoid the thinking thing. My thinker is on the fritz. The wiring up there has not been installed by a licensed electrician. I can't find the source of that loud buzzing, crackling noise that I hear from time to time. I can only assume it is not going to be good news. I pretend it doesn't exist. When my car makes an unusual sound, I turn up the radio.

When I behave well, I find that my thinking changes. I start to care about all of those people that I don't care about

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