Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Twelve -- All Inclusive, In Order

I believe that if I don't want to drink again that I have to work the Twelve Steps. I believe that the whole concept of my recovery is based on applying the principles found in these Steps to my alcoholism. I believe that people who pick up a drink -- sometimes after significant periods of sobriety -- have quit working the Twelve Steps in any meaningful fashion.

I can get caught up in the mechanics of recovery and forget to practice these principles in all of my affairs, which is the end result of working the Steps. I can spend a lot of time doing all of the recommended things -- going to meetings, calling my sponsor, reading the literature -- and totally ignore the essence of the Program. Sometimes I'm just going through the motions. Sometimes I just phone it in.

I'm not suggesting that these aren't good things to do or that they won't help me stay sober. Personally, I have to do them or I believe that I will drink again. It's my experience that it's possible to do all the right things without buying into the Twelve Step concept. There are plenty of sober assholes. Maybe I'm one of them.

I was an active, drunken member of the Fellowship for 18 months before I got sober. I wasn't doing the Steps. I had a guy grab me by the collar and give me some pointed instructions on how to get started on working the Steps.

Pissed me off, I can tell you that. Got me sober, though.

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