Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let's Complicate the Hell Out of It

Complicated: Made up of parts intricately involved or combined; hard to untangle, solve, understand, analyze, etc.

Today I am going to make everything as difficult as possible. Simple solutions are for the simple minded. Keeping it simple only works for those who don't have my vast intellect and laser sharp ability to see life from thousands of different angles and levels and nuances. I find it necessary to look at a situation for hours, stare at it with an unwavering intensity, and plumb its deepest, darkest depths. Only then will I be able to divine the true nature of things.

I'm the guy you find on the floor, tangled in a ball of yarn, unable to move, nearly strangled to death. I decide to roll up some loose yarn and I start by analyzing the molecular composition of the yarn particles. I study the history of yarn. I visit a yarn factory and sign up to earn a PhD in yarnology. I talk to yarn experts. I lose my temper with anyone who suggests that I'm spending too much time on parts of the yarn rolling up experience that might not be helpful in actually rolling up the yarn.

Keep in simple, my ass.

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