Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Working It

Work: bodily or mental effort exerted to do or make something; purposeful activity; labor; toil.

It's somewhat surprising to me how often I resent the amount of work that I have to put into my recovery. It's actually quite time consuming. I wonder if there is a way to just get off drugs and alcohol and become a spiritual giant without having to expend any time or energy. Maybe there is a pill that I could take or some potion that I could drink that would magically whisk me away into spiritual heaven. This would sure be easier than getting up and having a quiet time. This would be a lot easier than thinking about other people or doing nice things for them.

God knows everything about me -- why can't he just strike me spiritual? God sure expects a lot out of me. He's actually quite demanding. What has he done for me except save me from a slow alcoholic death and shower me with an embarrassing wealth of riches? Big deal. That's it?

My disease is like a particularly invasive, metastasizing kind of awful cancer. I would never say: "Ah, the hell with it. I'm going to pass on my cancer treatment this week. I'll pick it up again later." Sometimes I have to lace up my work boots and get down to business.

Nobody said this was going to fun all the time.

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