Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Trudge I Go

Trudge: A walk or tramp, especially a wearying, tedious one.

I don't feel like trudging today. I don't feel like suiting up and showing up and doing the work. I'd rather have a dump truck full of sex, power, and money dumped in my lap, as I doze in the sun. I want to be on a stage in the Roman Coliseum with tens of thousands of adoring fans screaming my name over and over: "Horseface Steve! Horseface Steve!' They can't get enough of me. Nobody can get enough of me.

I want everything to be easy. I want everything to come naturally and with little effort. I want everything to make sense right out of the chute. I don't want to learn from adversity. Struggling and growing is for all of the little, insignificant people in the world, not for major movers and shakers and power lunchers like me. I'm a Big Man on Campus. Someone or something should give me all that I desire.

After a long day at work I'll tell my sponsor that I'm tired. He reminds me that it's a "good tired." "Yes," I wearily respond. "It's a good tired." I want to scream that I don't want to be any kind of tired. I'll just end up having to do some writing or service work, so I keep my mouth shut.

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