Saturday, May 17, 2008

Little: Small in importance or power; trivial; trifling.

It is constantly amazing to me how often I get upset over unimportant things. I don't mean slightly unimportant -- I mean totally, completely, unbelievably unimportant. I can ruin an entire day over some perceived slight or lack of courtesy shown me by another person. Most of the time no disrespect is intended -- other people are thinking about me just about as often as I am thinking about them, which is not too often. It's actually a number rapidly approaching zero.

There are some great slogans to help me with this shortcoming, which I usually ignore as not worthy of my massive intellect and overwhelming persona. Take care of the little stuff and the big stuff will take care of itself. The two steps to permanent peace of mind are: 1. Don't let the small stuff upset you and 2. It's all small stuff.

It's such a short life. Don't let a rude driver live in your head all day.

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