Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm Number 1!

"Self-righteous anger also can be very enjoyable. In a perverse way we can actually take satisfaction from the fact that many people annoy us, for it brings a comfortable feeling of superiority."

People are the worst.

Unless I can position myself in thought, word, or deed to feel superior to someone else -- anyone else -- EVERYONE else -- I'm not fulfilling my purpose in the world. Comfortable is too mild a word. It brings to mind a lounge chair and a glass of lemonade. I crave an overwhelming, expanding, world-beating feeling of superiority. When I'm drifting spiritually, everyone annoys me. I can find some aspect of my life -- often imagined and hallucinogenic -- where I'm better than you. You can be better than me. A lot, lot better than me -- it isn't that hard, honestly -- and I will still look down my nose at you. I can come up with something.

Our literature is packed with information that will help us learn tolerance and love of our fellow man. We don't have to like everyone. Believe you me, not everyone likes me. But we are not going to be happy if we lug around the Hubble Telescope trying to uncover any microscopic defect that we can find.

Look for the good, you knucklehead.

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