Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Yam What I Yam

To thine own self be true, redux.

Powerful concept, that.  I'm reflecting this morning on my behavior which I think is pretty good a lot of the time.  I realize it can improve, and I work on that, but only up to a point, especially where other people are concerned.  I'm not a slave to other people's expectations.  I consider them, honor them, try to meet them, but have taken no blood oath to live up to them.  I'm a work in progress and not a finished product but a lot of the building is done and finished and firmly in place and it ain't going to change drastically.

I yam what I yam, to quote Popeye.

I try to be caring and compassionate, to think of others before I think of myself, but I also try to be consistent and predictable.  I want people to trust me - I think it's comforting to get an expected result.

So there's this trip.  I truly am happy to be here, for me, for my father, and for my sister especially.  I bitch about spending the money to get from there to here but I spend it and I spend it without developing a resentment.  I'm cheap with myself but pretty generous with others.

It is what it is.

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