Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Karma, Kramer

Karma: A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny; fate. 

Pu spoke at length about karma.  I think I have a tendency to over think this concept, to concentrate on the reincarnation implications, to worry that if I step on a snake that I'll come back as a rattler in my next life.  But, really, aren't we trying to say that if you live well - if you try not to harm or disturb others - that you'll feel a sense of gratitude and happiness? 

Again, I say, how complicated is that?  That's not complicated at all.  That's just about the most common-sense thing I've ever heard.

Pu put it this way: "We don't worry about heaven and hell.  Nobody knows what's going to happen next.  So if you're happy right now, then you're in heaven and if you're unhappy then you're in hell."  He believes that heaven and hell are concepts that were put into place to control people, to make them afraid so that they're easily manipulate.  He suggests that there's no proof that either exist.

Some of this stuff has been hard for me to wrap my westernized mind around.

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