Sunday, January 4, 2015

FREAKING OUT Before a Big Trip

SuperK and I have a will.  Because we had the will drawn up about 20 years ago and our circumstances have changed we knew it was time to have a new will drawn up.  (Ed. Note: I like the phrase "drawn up."  Apparently the word "written" isn't good enough for the lawyers.)  We decided to do this right before our last big trip and I mean right before. so we didn't get it done because it's a little important and complicated and it was hard to jam the task into a busy FREAKING OUT BEFORE A BIG TRIP schedule.  And after we got home frankly, we didn't give a shit anymore.  I guess, lurking in both of our sub-consciences  is the notion that we're going to die in a flaming plane crash; preferable, of course, to surviving the crash landing far, far out to sea, lingering in a life raft until we're almost dead from dehydration, grateful for the sharks that finally take us off this mortal coil.

Our current will makes each of us the heir if only one of us dies.  Given the murderous glint in SuperK's eyes when I sing Black Sabbath songs I have a pretty good idea who the survivor would be.  My stance has always been if I'm dead I really don't care at that point.  Dead is dead.  SuperK can dump me in a shallow grave behind our mobile home if she wants, as long as she's sure that the close proximity won't allow me to easily arise and haunt her as she takes a hot shower.  I wouldn't put it past me.  I've done worse, and recently, too.

Somewhat seriously I do think that a big journey, out of our safe and secure routine, does make us think about the transitory nature of life.  So we got the will redone.

Our previous will split our insignificant amount of money between our parents who were all healthy and in good spirits at the time.  If they all died then the money would have passed down to all of our siblings.  Like most people our relationships have grown and strengthened and fallen apart and soured and rekindled and changed in all kinds of ways that we barely understand.  Some people who needed money 20 years ago don't need it now.  A few have died.  And there is a snowball's chance in hell that we're included in the wills of a few more.

So the new will directs our inheritance to a few nieces and a brother and sister, and the rest to charity.  The big are-you-kidding-me? is the piece we left to our friend Shorty.  He and I have talked about how we would donate a chunk of money if we ever had the chance, the opportunity, the obligation, and we're on the same page.  So, at this point, he'd receive a check.  He could go out and buy a new TV if he wanted - I'm dead, remember - but he would never do that.  He would use the money wisely to help people who need it.

This is The Fellowship.  These are the relationships we form.  I can't think of anyone else in the world that I would do this with.  This is trust.

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