Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Elemental SuperK

Elemental:  Of the ancient supposed elements of earth, air, fire, or water.

SuperK is becoming sort of elemental.  I believe she had been deconstructed down to her basic molecular structure.  I can actually see in between the electrons and neutrons and protons to her actual self - there is no artifice at all left behind.  She becomes pretty funny, to be honest about it, when she gets this way.   She is normally pretty prim and proper, aware of her surroundings and appearance, not totally predictable but awfully consistent - a good German girl, a product of her organized Teutonic heritage.  Now, I can never be sure what's going to come out of her mouth.  I think: "Whaaa?  Whaaa did she just say?"

SuperK, yesterday, unannounced: "I'm liable to do or say anything at this point."

Keep the camcorder rolling and the pen poised.

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