Sunday, January 25, 2015


India is a Mike Tyson haymaker.  I can clearly envision what it would feel like to have a young Mike Tyson, in shape, wind up and deliver a roundhouse punch as I stand there, inert, dumbfounded, defenseless.

Round 10.

India is standing on a frozen lake slickened up with a sheen of water and hearing the ice start to break behind you.  You start to run and fall, get up, make a series of comical slip starts, and take a devastating face-first pratfall.  The cracking ice gets closer, big chunks snapping off and disappearing into the frigid water.  Somehow, some way, you make it to your feet and begin making some forward progress, always slipping and sliding, on the absolute, utter, naked edge of control.  The ice is snapping inexorably toward you.  You must move or die.

This is my India.


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