Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Committee, Toltec Style

"The mind can also talk and listen to itself.  Part of the mind is speaking, and the other part is listening.  It is a big problem when a thousand parts of your mind are all speaking at the same time."

I mean, c'mon, isn't this simply a Toltec interpretation of the infamous Committee?  As a reminder the Toltecs came to power in central Mexico beginning in the ninth century.  For those of us who are math-challenged that's eleven centuries ago.  Ten centuries is a long time but eleven is one more now, isn't it.  One thousand one hundred years ago a pre-Mayan culture was warming up to the idea that it's possible to harbor hundreds and hundreds of screaming, gibbering maniacs inside one head, all of them vying for your attention.  I'm going to assume there were alcoholics in that culture.

Another of my scarcely funny jokes: My committee has been reduced down to about ninety-seven members.  That doesn't sound too good - almost hundred screaming, gibbering maniacs vying for my attention but I'll tell you this: after listening to a thousand screaming, gibbering maniacs for the thirty years it took me to get sober this qualifies for near silence on the shores of high mountain lake as the sun is beginning to rise.  I'll take it any day.

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