Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Bits and Pieces . . .

How about you do the work today?  How about that concept?  How about you quit casting about for something or someone to blame and do the work?  I have an anniversary coming up and I usually make some comment along the lines of "I'm here mostly because I do the work."  I needed the flash of inspiration that came from an awakened knowledge of a Higher Power and I needed The Fellowship to help me make sense of things but, mostly, I needed to take action.

Be impeccable in your words.  Impeccable comes from the Latin root pecatus which means sin and the im means without so impeccable is "without sin."  It's helpful to me to think of a sin as anything which goes against myself.  Everything I say or do that goes against myself is a sin.  When I'm impeccable I take responsibility for my actions but I don't judge or blame myself.

"Over the years we may learn how to make friends and how to keep them - and most of it is down by controlling our tongues.  No matter how close we are to someone, it does not give us the right to say anything we choose.  Time and space mean nothing to friends.  They find each other again and again, to share the things that are important.  Friends forgive us whether we deserve it or not.  They know how easy it is to get off center."

I don't believe that there is a section in The Twelve and Twelve that means more to me than this one, and there's a lot of great sections: "The chief activator of our defects has been self-centered fear - primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded.  Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration."

Step Seven, baby, reminds me that if I got it I'm afraid I'ma gonna lose it and if I don't got it, well, then I'm pissed that I don't got it.  That's all that there is.  There is no time for anything else if my life philosophy boils down to this.

More Promises: "Each of us would like to live at peace with himself and with his fellows.  We would like to be assured that the grace of God can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves." 

Peace:  Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.


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