Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sometimes It Be Like That

This meditation path I'm on - listening to my breath and trying to be present, grasping onto nothing, ignoring nothing, watching the stream of images flicker through my consciousness - assures me that I'm right where I need to be, in this perfect moment, making these choices and decisions with the tools I currently possess, assured that they are the right choices and decisions, assured of this because of the open channel I have with my Higher Power.  It's not always open and sometimes the message is unclear, a little garbled, kind of static-ey, and sometimes I willfully ignore the message, as clear as it may be, but I'm really trying to stay locked onto that channel.

Satan's greatest trick is making the world believe that Satan doesn't exist.  

Sometimes I get what I want and sometimes I don't get what I want and sometimes I get whomped up 'side the head with a heavy stick because I'm just not listening, but I believe I get what I need.  My path isn't always lined with winning lottery tickets.  Sometimes there's a lot of dog doo on the path.  That's how it is, here on this unpredictable and random planet.  It just goes that way.  So much of life is out of my control.  Sometimes when I'm trying to land my plane the skies are clear, there's no turbulence, no congestion in the skies, and sometimes one of my engines is on fire and there's a thing in my eye and it's raining and lightening is hitting the plane and it's all I can do to land the damn thing.

A friend in AA painted me a little rock that says "Sometimes It Be Like That."

Screw guilt!  Screw remorse!  I clean up my messes as best as I can and I move on down the road. 

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