Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Technicolor Cartoon Show

"Much of what we do and experience is completely unconscious in the sense that we do it with little or no attention.  Our minds are on something else entirely.  We spend most of our time running on automatic pilot, lost in the fog of daydreams and preoccupations."

"Still lost in the fog of daydreams and preoccupations" would be an excellent epigraph to carve onto my gravestone.  I am famous for getting a glass of water, being distracted by something else, something bright and shiny and glittery, setting the water down somewhere, and literally being unable to remember where I left it thirty seconds later.  I have a mind that is constantly exploring different paths, often in detriment to the path I'm actually on.  If you say something to me my mind explodes in a million directions in the blink of an eye.  Always been like that.  Not going to be able to change it much.

"You realize that you could actually spend the rest of your days standing aside from the debilitating clamoring of your own obsessions, no longer frantically hounded by your own needs and greeds."

"Still frantically hounded by my own needs and greeds" would be a fitting addition to my headstone as well.  You know - SuperK may decide to drag my body into the back yard and cover it up with some leaves and humus.  Maybe all this gravestone/headstone talk is unproductive.

An update on the woman with the political cap: still gone.  Gone, gone, gone.  This woman only has six months of sobriety and she's dealing with the chaos surrounding an adult daughter who is drinking heavily and may be in the throes of terminal alcoholism, and she's gone.  Our ability to harbor and nurse grudges and resentments is without limits.  Someone disagrees with your political views in a kind and unobtrusive manner, totally respecting The Traditions that somehow manage to keep a band of defiant, wary brats all going in the same direction, and this is a good rationale for getting gone.

I still love her and still hope for the best but I'm on to the people who are actually showing up at the meetings.  You can have all the grudges and resentments you want.  You can question our motives and our competence and disagree with every fucking thing we say.  Just show up.  That's all.  Just show up.

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