Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ahhhh . . . Yeah

Mindfulness:  Mindfulness is the cognitive skill, usually developed through meditation, of sustaining meta-attention on the contents of one's own mind in the present moment.  Mindfulness derives from sati, a significant element of Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

"As you achieve clear comprehension in the midst of life's ordinary activities, you gain the ability to remain rational and peaceful while you throw the penetrating light of mindfulness into those irrational mental nooks and crannies.  You start to see the extent to which you are responsible for your mental suffering.  You see your own miseries, fears, and tension as self-generated.  Try to stay alert and aware throughout the day.  Be mindful of exactly what is taking place right now, even if it's tedious drudgery.  Take advantage of moments when you are alone.  Take advantage of activities that are largely mechanical.  Use every spare second to be mindful.  Use all the moments you can."
Venerable Henepola Gunaratana

"Whenever I find a fault with some person, place, or thing, I go find a mirror."
Stevie Seaweed

"Most of what happens to you is your own doing."
Doctor George Costanza

The statute of limitations on blaming other people has run out.

"The Cherokee doesn't want many things, but they know the wise are careful or mindful of what is important.  Such caution teaches us to think before we talk, to slow our pace and find peace of mind."
Joyce Sequichie Hifler

There's that damn mindfulness again, from another source, again, proving its value as a timeless source of wisdom and comfort.

These quips are found on a single page of Step Five in our 12 & 12: Terrible sense of isolation.  Tortured by loneliness.  The feeling that we didn't quite belong.  The isolation problem.  Anxious apartness.  - Step Five was the answer.  It was the beginning of true kinship with man and God. -

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