Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Karma, Kramer

Karma:  A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows.

It's not magic here, is it?  I used to think life was a big Magic Eight Ball of whimsical and random answers, that there was no cause and effect, no reward for hard work or consequences for bad behavior.  Some large hand in the sky, some Hand of Doom, would strike my face or pat my head following whatever cruel whimsy ruled the day.  

This is why I sat around, smoked dope and drank beer, watching TV.  None of it made any difference.  The die was cast.  My fate was determined.  The Hand of Doom was poised, hovering.

(Ed Note: Hand of Doom is an excellent Black Sabbath song - check it out).

What a lazy ass I was. What a quitter.

That being said there is an unknowable ebb and flow to life.  My friend's sudden death is a good example.  He didn't get to live as long as he wanted to live, and this was through no fault of his own, not a punishment for some wrong in his past.  It was what it was.  Yet, he had a good life because he behaved well and cared more about others than about himself.

So . . . what is the answer to all of this?  I guess live a good life, seeking god and serving others, and hope you don't have something floating around in your head that's going to clog up an important blood vessel.  Good actions lead to good results.  Bad shit happens to good people.  Who the fuck knows why?

"That ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven.  For he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

What a kook, that guy.

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