Saturday, January 7, 2017

Furnished Ruts

We have been bandying about the phrase "Who's the one with The Program?" with more frequency than normal in the Seaweed household lately.  That's all I'm going to say about that except to say that I'm awfully glad that the bandying has not been directed at me . . . this time.

I've been doing a lot of praying about other people in the last few months.  I'm not engaging in the kind of praying where I suggest that this person be relieved of his fatal malady or that person be cured of the character defect that's irritating the shit out of me.  Oh, no, not me - I've been scalded by that fool's errand one thousand too many times.  It has been more of a releasing of the holds that different people have on me - some good, some bad, holds nonetheless.  I can hang onto relationships that suck and onto relationships that I enjoy and cherish for too long and for the wrong reasons.  It has taken a lot of praying on some of these but it really does work.  I can feel my attitudes settling down into a proper-sized rut instead of the jumbo, furnished ruts I normally inhabit.

Let's never forget that it really IS about them.

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