Sunday, May 22, 2016

True Dat

Truth:  Conformity to fact or reality; correctness; accuracy.

I was texting with Massachusetts D about my great love, great affinity, great talent in the arena of lying.  He made the excellent suggestion that I try to wrap all of the various fake occupations into one big clump of deception.  If someone interrupts the lie with a pesky question that requires an expounding, and threatens to unravel the lie, simply move further into the lie.  Double down.  Sort of like countering a challenge to a dubious statement with the answer: "I don't remember.  I had just returned from shopping for a new speedboat . . . "  Usually, the speedboat thing snaps the attention away from the thread that was potentially unraveling.

My only reservation to the big ball of lies is that complexity can be a threat.  I have a strict policy - not inviolable but strict - against complication in my lying.  I think the biggest downfall for liars is that we forget what we've said sometimes which leaves us open to challenges: "Hey, I thought you said . . . " etc etc.  NOTHING is worse for the liar than getting caught in a lie.  We abhor that.  One of the great beauties of telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you've said.

But sometimes we have to go for it, stretch our wings a little, get experimental.  I'm always up for a good challenge.

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