Monday, May 9, 2016

Incoming Texts

Here are a few texts I got as I was going through this whole thing.  I'm not an text-addict generally, preferring the human contact of a voice but I was busy and stressed out so these things were the rage for me for the better part of two weeks.  They came winging in, landing forcefully.

"One of my customers told me when my brother was on his last leg to be as present as you can because what's going on is very sacred.  Lifting you up the best I know how in prayer."  Later in the week, from a different friend: "This is a sacred, challenging time.  GODSPEED."  The whole sacred blog arose from these two very different men moving along together on the same 5th dimension plane.

In response to hearing my last words to my father: "Beautiful, beautiful, that's all I can say, man."   Then a few minutes later: "Better yet - fuckin' A."

"I was thinking - which you know is dangerous - when you said recovery prepares you for this.  It almost seems that sobriety and recovery allowed you to say what you needed to say for your dad and for yourself."

"Of course, your mission remains the same: love, patience, tolerance, compassion, etc.  You have been training for this for years now.  Keep in constant contact (with your higher power is implied there)."  Again, I liked the singleness here - you have been preparing for this difficult task - you have been putting in the time.

"Self-care.  These are challenging visits.  To guarantee that there are no martyrs on our jobs."

"On this day . . . THINK ABOUT GOD.  Step 11."

At one point, early in the visit, overwhelmed, I texted: "This is more than I can bear."  A few hours later: "Not the Truth.  Step outside and bask in this glorious atmosphere (it was a lovely Spring day).  Again, BREATHE.  (I was forgetting to do this in a healthy fashion - my head was cinched up around my ears.)  Think about the Great Spirit.  'How can I best be of humble service today?'  ' Why have I been give so, so much? . . . most unearned, just given?' "

"See Eastern sky.  Think about GOD.  Now, take a walk.  Get outside."

"Good morning, Humble Servant.  You can endure anything and thrive on this day.  One day at a time.  FOCUS: The Gift is in ALL things and all people."

"You, my friend, have a front row seat to witness the collision of the material world and the Spiritual world.    The Spiritual always 'wins.'  Sometimes the meeting is gentle, like a transition.  I hope this is the case for your dear dad.  Don't miss a moment."

Good stuff, isn't it?  How blessed I am to have friends like this.

I have always said that dying is part of life.  That sentiment sounds pretty cool when no one I know is dying.  Sucks when someone is.

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