Thursday, March 26, 2015

More of That "If It's Your Will" Crap

So SuperK and I were having a bit of a tiff on Sunday - nothing serious albeit unpleasant for both of us.  We're good at taking the long view with most arguments; consequently we're good at getting things out into the open air where they can breathe.  We're tired of sealing them up in airtight containers and putting them in the way back area of the fridge.  You know those containers - you open them up eventually and find a Nasty Surprise.  And it's not like we want to hurt each other's feelings but sometimes you have to hurt your mate's feelings to get something off of your chest so you can move along to the solution phase.

On Monday morning I went to the doctor's office so he could have a look at a troublesome leg I'm stuck with.  I thought it was a routine panic on my part - the doctor thought otherwise.  I was shuttled off immediately for some tests and had the results been what my doctor thought they were going to be I was off to the emergency room and into the hospital.  I tried to keep SuperK in the loop as this situation unfolded but it was a bit hard because I was in exam rooms and the like.

I did my usual Program thing which is to get a handle on the worst possible outcome and then get good with that.  I was worried enough that I actually did one of my rare "if it's your will this is what I want" prayers.  I try to avoid these prayers as a general rule.  They seem pretty self-serving although The Book is very clear that a proper use of the will is to do what we think is best AS LONG AS we add that "if it's your will" crap to the action.

SuperK was worried.  She's my wife and she loves me - preceding day tiff hang-over notwithstanding - and she did a lot to help that morning.  Surprising everyone, the test showed a pretty routine condition - one that wouldn't even require any treatment - and not a potentially catastrophic one.

I was damned relieved.  SuperK was damned relieved.  As I sat with my doctor I joked that my wife had gone from homicidal to non-homicidal in the course of 24 hours.  He laughed.  "Yes, circumstances can do that," he said.

Later, SuperK said: "You should have told him that I was worried you were going to die before I had a chance to kill you."

I laughed.  Kind of.  Then I hid all of our knives.

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