Saturday, March 28, 2015

Crap Output Analysis

During the course of a mildly interesting, totally self-absorbed personal anecdote at my regular men's meeting I talked about both the SuperK Tiff and The Great Leg Caper.  I'd say that the group is about half married guys and half single or divorced guys.  I really like these guys. They're really good guys.  They're also flawed and complicated and frequently wrong, just like me.

After the meeting ended a couple of the divorced guys came up and basically told me I shouldn't take any crap from my wife.  I quickly explained that I wasn't taking any crap from her and if I was it would be a tiny fraction of the crap that she takes from me.  I'm under no illusions as to which of us is the most difficult person to live with.  Any crap she gives me is richly deserved and she could amp up her crap output and not put a dent in her accumulated crap stockpile.  I'm saying she could really dish out the crap she delivers and I would be peepless.

Then, I began to run the gauntlet of the married guys, dudes not quite as eager to give me advice.  One of my buddies said: "So are you going to be OK?"  I immediately jumped to my wife's defense and he almost as quickly interrupted to ask: "No, your leg."  He got it - spouses argue.  Mothers die.  Sponsors go to the big meeting in the sky.  Bad, uncomfortable, annoying shit happens.  

No one here gets out alive.

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