Sunday, March 8, 2015

Facts Is Facts

An amazing fact about alcoholism - reinforced here the last few days - is that it is a relatively simple and straight-forward mechanism.  People drink essentially because they like the effect alcohol produces on their body; this effect is highly exaggerated in the alcoholic, compelling them to drink more and more; and there is no getting between an alcoholic and the alcohol when they want to drink.

The Program has admittedly shaped a lot of my worldview - one of the Great Truths in my life is that help is almost always abundantly available to those who ask for it and that those who don't want any help, even if it's badly needed, are best left alone.

If he wasn't my dad I wouldn't waste a NY minute on him.  That sounds harsh, clinical, formulaic, but I rarely buy into some other alcoholic's bullshit.

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