Sunday, August 17, 2014

True Family

I went to a big Program barbecue today that was followed by a big meeting, outside, under a big tent, on a gorgeous day, at a ranch in the hills outside of Vacation City.  There were probably 125 people there and I didn't experience anything but good cheer, hale fellows well met, and all of that.  It's always amazing to me to see common folks stand up in front of a large group and speak like they're reading from a script.  There is a very low bullshit to truth ratio, assuming I'm not asked to share.  The words are from the heart.

I spent a short period of time in the morning pondering my family resentment, swishing the taste around my mouth like I was testing fine chocolate.  I looked around the gathering today and thought: "This is what my family sees when we get together."  What I see is something different, more of a low-grade toothache visually presented.

All in all, it was a lovely contrast. 

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